Tatsuru Arai

(Japão - Japan)
Tatsuru Arai,(1981) composer, sound/visual Artist Based in Berlin, 2003-2009 Bachelor and Diplomat studies in composition with Akira Nishimura, Toshio Hosokawa, and Sunao Isaji at Tokyo college of Music.2007 in composition-class with Bernhard Lang at Implusin Graz.2009-2013 MA-studies Composition, Computer-programming and Multimedia-art with Wolfgang Heiniger at the Academy of Music "hanns Eisler" Berlin. Opera "Vitruvian" was performed Berlin und London that innovative contemporary Opera, that to integrate from classical Music to new Technology. His main artistic Thema is to integrate from classical compositions tonew technology, as "TRANS-AGES MUSIC", and to present the fundamental physical nature of the universe in the form of perceptional experiences, that could say aesthetics of "geometric structure". The human perception of sound, a physical phenomenon, influences human beings and the "geometric structure" is a fundamental pillar that allows us to understand the true nature of the universe. Creating a way to experience even a part of the nature of the universe through sound.
From 2016 he is composing Hyper Serial Music that will add innovation to the principle of Serialism three-point: "structural", "complex" and "noisy". Hyper-Serial-Music is the algorithm music generated by state-of-the-art technology such as Artificial Intelligence than by native human intelligence only.
He is performing this work in over 60 cities. He worked and performed at international Art/Music Festival/, Kinetica Art Festival(London UK)Tunisia Fashion week(Tunis Tunisia), Sajeta - Art & Music Festival(Slovenia) B-Seite Festival(Mannheim Germany), Flow Festival(Helsinki Finland) Signal Festival (Cagliari Italy), Intermediale Festival(Legnica Poland), CTM Transmediale Festival (Berlin Germany), Klankvorm (Rotterdam Netherlands), MADATAC Festival (Madrid Spain), Matera INtermedia Festival (Matera Italy), Gogbot Festival (Enschend Netherlands), Sonic Acts Festival (Amsterdam Netherlands) Generate!_lab Festival (Tübingen Germany)ACT Festival (Gwanju South Korea), Live Cinema Festival (Rome Italy) PatchLab (Krakow Poland), Tartu in Light (Tartu Estonia), WRO Biennale(Poland), Linea Festival (Apulia Italy), SAT Festival (Montreal Canada), Macon Festival (USA), Zer0ne Festival (Seoul South Korea), IMAGE PLAY International Video Art Festival (Portugal).
FACE OF UNIVERSE (new version) - 12'02'' 2022 | Tatsuru Arai (Japão - Japan)

Technical sheets
Artistic Direction: Tatsuru Arai
Codec: H264
Format: 4K 4:3 - 16:9
Soundtrack: Tatsuru Arai
Artistic Direction: Tatsuru Arai
Sound composition: Tatsuru Arai
Until the 19th century, humans imagined a universe different from which we know. For example, the Pythagorean school of ancient Greece called the universe "cosmos, which means order, and advocated the Ptolemaic theory, which also influenced the Christian view of the universe.
From the 19th century to the 20th century, space science has evolved, and humans have imagined the universe through scientific simulations, predictions, and observations through relativity theory, big bang theory, and superstring theory. we are starting to know.
In 2020, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) observed the first evidence of a planet's birth. It is miraculously shaped like a flower.
The principle of our ecosystem was born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun. At the beginning of the earth's birth, atmosphere contained a lot of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and was high Tempurature. After that, over hundreds of millions of years, earth's surface cooled, and the water vapor turned into rain and fell on the earth's surface, forming the sea. About 4 billion years ago, plants were born in the sea.
Long after that, our human civilization formed urban. There are several papers, through NASA's observation that plants on Earth are increasing as plants that require carbon dioxide absorb carbon dioxide emitted by humans. Here we can find principles and tips for how Urban city and ecosystems can coexist.
The wild flowers that coexist in the Urban are part of the history of the ecosystem born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun, and may be the "face of the universe."Climate mitigation from vegetation biophysical feedbacks during the past three decades.
- 1 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2023 - 1ST NOVEMBER 2023 -
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