Iury Lech

(Espanha – Spain)
Iury Lech, is a transdisciplinary digital artist descended from the Ukrainian diaspora and settled in Spain from a very young age, that has developed his creativity working within the realm of video-art, music and literature, being part of the few pioneers in the Spanish electronic and digital audio-visual scene that in the 80's/90's began to develop visual-aural performances and video art works.
On the other side of his creative facet, we can point out his task as producer and director from 2007 of the weekly television program Transfera, specialized in the broadcast of audiovisual art, as well as the founding, direction, and programming of MADATAC, the INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY AUDIO-VISUAL & NEW MEDIA ART, and independent project initiated in 2009 and ongoing through the 12th edition in 2023.
His open and unclassifiable style permeates the tired avant-garde concept by means of textures that brings alive hypnotic visual and sonic atmospheres and an alternative way to conceive New Media Art experimentalism. Among his last numerous productions on these disciplines, it should be noted the Kinetic Pictures for the video art masterpiece Dye a V(east) and Domesticated Domestic Demons a 7-channel video-installation; the sound sculpture cd work Instorments; or his books "The encapsulated image: Video Art as a spiral" (2009), an essay on the practice and contemporaneity of the Video Art discipline and his anthology & translation into Spanish on Ukrainian XX Century poetry "Una iconografía del alma. Poesía ucraniana del siglo XX" (Litoral/Unesco,1993)
His video-art works, for which he also composed the soundtracks, as well as his live performances, involves a multimedia stage set which, in addition to different image treatments, makes the most of interactive and sensorial immersion technology.
He showed his video-art pieces and played live AV concerts at many venues and events such as Ars Electrónica, Art Futura, ISEA, SONAR, Video Festival Videoformes, Festival of New Musics of Madrid and Sevilla; the experimental cycle LEM in Barcelona; the Knitting Factory in New York; the Pop Komm Festival, the Festival Experimenta in Madrid, Festival Osmosis in Taiwán, ART BEIJING, DAFT Festival in Taipei_Taiwan, JMAF in Tokyo or Hong-Gah Museum Taipei, MURMUR Madrid Festival, ARTEFACT CHERNOBIL 33 Festival in Kiev, Ukraine. On May 2013 the 2nd Izmir Art Biennial in Turkey invited Iury Lech as an official artist, where the jury awarded him with the 1st prize for the Best Video Art installation. During 2013 he has been invited as a jury member of Videoformes Fest (Clermont-Ferrand, France), MAshRome Film Fest (Rome, Italy) and EXIS Experimental Festival (Seoul, South Korea), among many others..TRANSMORPH REALITIES - 1'35'' 2015 | Iury Lech (Espanha - Spain)

Technical sheets
Artistic Direction: Iury Lech
Codec: H264
Format: 2K - 1920x1080
Soundtrack: Iury Lech
When around us all manifests more unalterable, is perhaps when more susceptible is the reality of being transformed into something visually overwhelming and mutant. And Transmorph Realities allude to this flow of transformation from the real to
the virtual and vice versa, a way of catching the past so that the present settles on a complex and exotic polyhedral entity.The imperceptible metamorphosis makes sure that nothing remains immutable, that everything changes to reset and readjust the awareness and imagination of the spectator- observer. This piece not only seeks to open fissures in the human perception, but also on the roughness of the screen, where to deploy a cartographic iconography representative of the untamed and boundless beauty of bits and pixels.
- 1 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2023 - 1ST NOVEMBER 2023 -
No canal YouTube da +art contemporary e a partir do canal "thewrong.tv" e do canal 180 "180.thewrong.tv" (Portugal)
On +art contemporary's YouTube channel and from the channel "thewrong.tv" and channel 180 "180.thewrong.tv" (Portugal)
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