Hernando Urrutia

Hernando Urrutia, 1964 - Multidisciplinary Artist, Researcher, Designer, Curator, Composer, Filmmaker, University Lecturer and Cultural Manager. Portuguese nationality. PhD. in Digital Media-Art (UAb - UAlg). Advanced Studies in Digital Media Art (UAb - UAlg), Degree in Design (UPB), Degree in Visual Arts (IDBA). University Professor in Multimedia and Artsat the DAMG - Department of Architecture and Multimedia of the "Portucalense" University - Porto, Portugal. - Coordinator of the Multimedia Research Group at CIAUD - UPT (UPT), Representative of the Audiovisuals and Media Production Scientific Area of the Multimedia and Arts Course at UPT, Collaborating Researcher at CIAC - Centre for Research in Arts and Communication (UALg - UAb) and CIAUD - UPT - Centre for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design - UPT (UPT), Visiting Researcher at M-ITI - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (UMa). Curator of META-MORFO - Mostra Experimental de Tecnologia Audiovisual de Portugal (Brazil), of the project "MEMÓRIAS DO FUTURO: multimodal innovation of the media", 2022-2023 (Project for CINEX Cluster - Brazil) São Paulo, Curitiba, Brazil. Curator of the "Muestra de Vídeo Arte na Fronteira", in the Portugal Section and Spain Section, for the "TRANSFRONTERIZA CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR" (Spain - Portugal) 2023-2024-2025-2026, by the "Fundación Olintia" of Spain, Gibraleón (Huelva) - Spain. Member of the International Scientific Committee (International Special Guest) at OVER THE REAL VIDEOART FESTIVAL - VI Edition (2021) Italy. Artistic Director and Coordinator of the EXE - Experimental Exhibition | Audio-visual, International Festivals/Shows Exhibitions Project, 2023-2025 (Portugal)
International Curator of THE WRONG BIENNALE 2021-2022 | 2023-2024 (Spain). International Curator (Selection and Award Jury) of LANDSCAPE 2022-2023 in Salermo, Italy; International Curator for the FONLAD - International Video Art & Performance Festival, 2023 (Portugal). Founder, Diretor and International Curator of META-MORPHOSIS digital 2023-2024 (Spain - Portugal) Director of the Project "FX DIGITAL ART- Digital Art Exhibition in Public Space", Funchal- Portugal. Founder, Director, Producer and Curator of EXPERIMENTA - Audio-visual Transformation (International Video Art Exhibition), TRANSGRESSION art + technology PR 2 and IMAGE PLAY - International Video Art Festival, in Portugal. International Curator of the Special Programme DIGITAL TRANSPOSITION of the INTERNATIONAL A/R/TOGRAPHIC VIDEO NARRATION EXHIBITION 10th Edition- 2024, Spain. Curator of the DigitaLab Project - Digital Aesthetics Laboratory, at TRATUÁRIO (space) - 2024, in Portugal.
Representative and Coordinator for Portugal of FISURA - International Experimental Film and Video Festival, 2023-2024 (Mexico). Representative and Coordinator for Portugal and all over Europe of PLATFORM 101 - "FRACTAL: Order in Chaos" Exhibition, 2023-2024 (Iran). President of the Direction of + Art Contemporary - Cultural Association. Artistic Director of Cultural Projects in the areas of New Media and Digital Media Arts, at APCA - Atlantic Culture Promotion Agency | Madeira, 2023-2024, Funchal, Madeira - Portugal.
He has completed 140 post-graduate training courses, trainings and 4 artistic residencies. Curator in 43 artistic projects. He has received Awarded 310 Acknowledgements and 10 prizes, for his artistic work, especially in recent times for his research, video art, gif and digital art. He has been special guest in several Contemporary Art Salons.
He began his artistic life in 1984 and has been exhibiting professionally since 1986, accumulating an artistic and academic career spanning 40 years, participating in several projects and more than 600 group exhibitions and 19 solo exhibitions in 45 countries.
He is represented in more than 250 important Public Collections in different Institutions, Foundations, Museums and Galleries and in more than 180 Private Collections in countries such as Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, East Timor, Ecuador, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Latvia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, among others.
LOOK AT YOU ON THE DISPLAY - 1'00''' 2021 | Hernando Urrutia (Portugal)

Technical sheets
Artistic Direction: Hernando Urrutia
Codec: H264
Format: 2K 16:9
Soundtrack: Hernando Urrutia
Artistic Direction: Hernando Urrutia
Video: Hernando Urrutia
Sound composition: Hernando Urrutia
Look at you on the DISPLAY is the metamorphosis between the analogue and the digital, between the real world and the virtual world and its constant transformation as heterotopia, highlighting the existence of multiple and complex "sites".
It is a call for transformation and a change of attitude, in the reflection of isolation. It is visual communication from the filter of the digital sphere, as a vision that does not allow direct communication, on the road to dystopia.
It is the constant gaze from the DISPLAY format as an artefact that allows us to visualize expression in the world of cyberspace as ephemeral spaces, penetrating the digital domain and infiltration in a continuous form of metamorphosis, as a contemporary expression.
It is about constant monitoring at a distance, in the virtual world. We can be in symbiosis with the world of the interface, with an environment that surrounds it in a virtual computational and electronic world. Developed from digital creations of the "display" monitor as an expression of hybrid language with fractal geometry, which has glitch as its chaotic evolutionary system, based on error and disruption.
- 1 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2023 - 1ST NOVEMBER 2023 -
No canal YouTube da +art contemporary e a partir do canal "thewrong.tv" e do canal 180 "180.thewrong.tv" (Portugal)
On +art contemporary's YouTube channel and from the channel "thewrong.tv" and channel 180 "180.thewrong.tv" (Portugal)
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To watch the video on +art contemporary's YouTube channel, please go to the following link: